11 Signs That Show You Need A Dental Visit

Dentists recommend at least two visits a year, yet many people do not pay much attention. Certain situations make a visit to the dentist necessary. Our mouth will give us the signs. We will discuss a few that demand immediate help.
Traumatic cases
Trauma is considered an emergency for dental health. As in medical emergency, a dental emergency must be attended to urgently. The conditions that count as an emergency are:
1) Knocked out or lost teeth
We can lose teeth when we’re hit or struck in accidents, fall in sports injuries, or have a disease of the gums. The tissues, nerves, blood vessels, and associated structures fall out. An immediate effort to replace the tooth should be made after the blow. Reaching a dentist within 30 minutes of the injury with the lost tooth strengthens the chances of preserving the tooth. Usually, an avulsed or lost tooth is replaced by implants, bridges, dentures, capping, etc. They are done if the natural tooth is lost and depending on the condition of the mouth.
2) Broken, chipped, or cracked teeth
It may occur due to blows, falls, accidents, sports injuries, vigorous grinding of the teeth, chewing hard foods and nuts, and aging. The cracks may extend into the soft tissues and sockets of the teeth and cause strong pain. In older people, the fillings of teeth treated by root canal are destroyed when they accidentally break. The teeth may split or a fracture may extend to the root of the tooth. These extremities result in chronic and traumatic pain that won’t leave unless treated. It makes the soft tissues of the surrounding gums and even the facial structures swell. A dentist can fill or bond minor cracks that do not extend deeply and are not painful. Resins and composites are used to build the tooth esthetically. Traumatic fractures such as split teeth and vertical fractures require extraction of the damaged tooth as they destroy the tooth. Surgical methods may be needed depending on the depth of the injury
3) Displaced teeth
Sometimes teeth are displaced from the root position, other times from the sockets completely or partially, depending on the impact of the injury. Most displacements occur accidentally by injuries and rarely due to disease. Chewing gets painful. Gums around the damaged tooth get swollen. Opening and closing the mouth becomes hard. An urgent visit to the dentist is necessary. They will calm the pain and extract the tooth.
4) Bleeding and cuts
They are caused mostly by periodontal diseases, but in injuries and when teeth are lost, cuts penetrate the soft tissues in the mouth. Mouth ulcers, inflammation of the gums, and falls in sports, diabetes, deformed jawbones, and underlying dental structures trigger continuous bleeding from the mouth. This traumatic condition should be treated immediately. Cuts need to be stitched. The dentist will control the bleeding by surgical processes.
Cases that are not traumatic
Traumatic cases demand immediate attention. But there are also certain cases which are not traumatic but require a mandatory dental visit.
5) Toothache
Pain in and around the tooth is called toothache. It is caused mostly by cavities, tooth decays, caries, wrongly aligned braces, hard chewing, harsh flossing and brushing, broken or cracked teeth, the impact of the molars, gum infections, or periodontitis, gum inflammations or gingivitis. An injury to the jaw, a sudden blow or fall, or loose teeth triggers a severe toothache. Though many home remedies are available, these complex cases need examination and treatment. A dentist looks for the cause, reduces the pain, and treats the infection. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory analgesics are used for instant pain relief even before reaching the dentist.
6) Dental abscess
Pus or fluid accumulates in the cavity of the tooth. This sets off an unquenchable toothache that won’t subdue. The abscess must be drained and sterilized to control the pain and stop the infection from spreading to the neighboring tooth. The pain may extend to the jaw, neck, and ear. This may cause fever, swelling, bad breath, and sensitivity. Unless treated by a dentist, the pain won’t cease.
7) Broken mouth guards and dentures
A denture may break when it is not fitted properly, or due to long wear, chewing harshly, acidifying drinks, accidentals falls and jolts, and inadequate fitting. It is also an emergency as many of us couldn’t do without a denture. The situation creates speech and chewing problems, fear to smile, and facial deformation. An immediate dental visit is recommended. Mouth guards are recommended as protective measures to preserve teeth from grinding and injuries. A dentist suggests customized and thermosetting mouth guards and fits them well in your mouth. They need to be repaired immediately to protect the oral structures from damage.
8) Diseases of the gums
Apart from damage to other structures of the mouth periodontal issues are the hardest to handle. Any infection or damage to the teeth is shown by swelling of the gums or gum disease. Diabetes, cancer, and abdominal diseases cause inflammation of the gums. The dentist needs to check the redness and bleeding of the gums.
9) Pain in the jaw
The temporomandibular joint is underlying bone support for the oral structures. Injury damages the structures associated with it. Opening and closing the isn’t possible. The mouth stays open unless treated. This is considered a broken denture, though it doesn’t involve any fractures. Dental assistance is a must in case of pain in the jaw.
10) Medical issues
You need to see the dentist when you are diagnosed with chronic issues. Diabetes, cardiovascular issues, cancers, and kidney failures have a direct stake in dental health. A dentist will prescribe the perfect medications and their dosages.
11) Pregnancy
Visiting a dentist after you’ve been confirmed pregnant is a must. Diagnosis and treatment of dental issues in the first trimester are recommended. Treatment in the last trimester may bring on complications.
A dentist will suggest a lot of care after treatment. They will prescribe postoperative care, cleaning techniques, preventive care, dosages, and a Iist of things that you should not do. Following them strictly and visiting him regularly will enhance your smile and oral health.
Dr. Sonal Bhoot is one of the top dentist in Lee’s Summit, MO has your best dental interests at heart, and works to prove this every day. Our services cater to patients of all ages and cover every possible aspect of your oral health that you may need care for. All this, in an environment that ensures you don’t have to panic at the mere mention of oral issues.